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    AI for Customer Service: 71% More Efficiency with Human Agents

    Written by September 04, 2024

    Artificial intelligence in customer service will not replace human agents any time soon, yet AI can improve efficiency and productivity by 71%, comprehensive service by 80%, and customer happiness by 57%. In turn, these improvements can lead to better business outcomes. You can use AI tools to your advantage without fear of taking over the warm touch of human agents. Take a look at what AI can do and how you can leverage it for your company’s success.

    What Is AI for Customer Service?

    Artificial intelligence has advanced quickly in recent years, and the customer service space has received its share of AI-enhanced tools. However, opinions across the industry have been unanimous: AI is not ready to take over the responsibilities of human agents. Blake Morgan from Forbes says that experts agree customer service positions will only be augmented and automated but not replaced. In addition, 75% of customer experience leaders see AI amplifying human intelligence and not replacing it.

    How AI Can Power Your Customer Service

    1. 71% More Agent Efficiency and Productivity

    In focus, AI or automation frees human agents to be more efficient and productive by as much as 71%. A person can focus on more important tasks while leaving basic responsibilities to AI. Moreover, contact center artificial intelligence can assist human agents through insightful support. Tools can implement sentiment or intent analysis to evaluate customer interactions and accordingly de-escalate or improve situations. Bernard Marr, a LinkedIn Top Voice on AI, said that “AI-powered tools can analyze customer interactions, extract valuable insights, and assist agents in real-time. The technology can free up time for more human, empathetic interactions.” AI helps agents provide a human touch to interactions and empathically help customers with their concerns, leading to higher client satisfaction.

    2. Wait Times of 23 Seconds

    Customers value their time, and they expect companies to do the same. This expectation places importance on wait and response times. With the assistance of call center automation and AI, wait times have decreased to a record lowest point since the inception of the Live Chat Benchmark Report 2024. The average live chat wait time was 23 seconds in 2023. Average response times also fell in 2023 to 46 seconds.

    At the same time, AI-powered chatbots monitor conversations, supplying live agents with context-relevant answers. Human agents need not search for type answers anymore. With this, customers may feel that they and their time are valued.

    3. Average Handling Times of 9 Minutes

    Average handle times reflect how fast customers receive resolutions to their concerns. Low AHT means faster resolutions. However, AHT can also reflect the quality of solutions customers receive. With this, a balanced AHT must be achieved by contact teams.

    AI has improved AHT in 2023 with a 19% drop. This has placed average handle times at 9 minutes and 36 seconds. Comm100 evaluated this trend as an improvement due to AI-assistance. Additionally, the trend reflected an assurance that quality was upheld despite the drop in AHT.

    4. Increase Customer Happiness by 57%

    AI tools can perform sentiment or intent analysis. These solutions parse huge volumes of data across various channels and mediums. AI can then provide you with accurate information on trends and customer preferences. You can use these insights to further optimize your customer service, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. In fact, AI call centers in the UK with remaining human teams have already reported improved customer happiness by 57%.

    Analytical tools powered by AI assist you in enhancing leadership decision-making. You can steer your company toward better shores because you have deeply insightful information on your market. You can create better products or services, while catering to customer concerns.

    Augment Your Team with AI-Experienced Agents

    1. Hire AI-Capable Agents

    With all the ways integration of AI can improve your customer service, you will need people who can steer AI toward your organizational goals and overall company success. AI telemarketing tools will only be as effective as the people who wield them. To this end, you can build up your company’s AI capability by hiring experienced or knowledgeable agents.

    2. Screen for AI Skills

    You must screen for AI skills in candidate applications. Skills to watch out for include: 

    • Data analytics
    • Data security
    • Natural language processing
    • Knowledge management
    • Conversation design
    • Prompt engineering

    3. Evaluate AI Tool Capability

    In addition to AI skills, applicants must also be well-versed in AI tools. These AI tools are existing devices that can already perform tasks and work. Only seamless integration will be required. Candidates must know how to use common AI tools such as:

    • ChatGPT
    • Custify
    • Fin 

    4. AI Questions to Ask

    To determine the level of experience an applicant has in AI call center technology, you may ask the following questions:

    1. Have you used AI in customer service?
    2. What is your experience using AI in customer service?
    3. What AI tools for customer service have you used?
    4. How have you used AI to resolve or respond to customers?

    5. Offshore AI-Skilled Agents

    Now, hiring AI-experienced customer service talent is no easy feat, given current labor shortages all over the world. For this reason, you may consider offshoring human agents. Offshoring is a reliable solution to acquire capable workers for considerable cost savings. Offshoring to the Philippines also makes sense because it is the BPO capital of the world. You can offshore agents who are already AI-capable. Remote workers in the Philippines are technologically savvy, and many Filipino professionals are keeping pace with AI advancements. You can access and onboard such talent onto your team while saving on labor costs. Check out this offshoring salary calculator to see how much you can save.

    Establish AI Capability with AI-Skilled Agents

    Human agents will continue to have a place in customer service even with AI in BPO centers. To become AI-capable, however, you need AI-experienced people in your team. Find AI-capable employees by offshoring and onboarding AI-skilled Philippine talent through the help of an offshoring partner. With the right people and AI skills, you may see expected boosts to customer service performance while minimizing risks. AI is here to stay for good, and your company will only benefit from AI-enhanced customer service.

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