Bene De Ramos

Bene De Ramos

Senior Content Strategist

Bene is a senior content strategist who collaborated with various industries and teams to focus on her decade-long experience by bringing helpful content online and in real life. She is a pet mom of 3 dogs and bikes outside Manila whenever she can. During downtime, she hunts vinyl records to keep her granddad's tiny collection growing.

All Articles

How a Property Valuation Associate Enhanced Bricklane UK’s Growth

Get to know how Jeffrey delivers top-notch results to his UK counterparts as a property value associate.

Create a Customer Service Dream Team: Top Skills to Look for When Hiring

Building a high-caliber customer service team begins with getting the right talent. Check these essential skills to ensure you're on track.

5 Types of IT Roles to Transform Your Business through Philippine Remote Teams

Struggling to find the right IT talent? Discover the most in-demand IT roles to hire remote professionals to boost productivity.

Fast Background Check for Philippine Employees: How To Guide

Learn how to conduct a fast background check for employees in the Philippines now.

Navigating Hybrid Work: A Reliable Guide For Managers

The task of leading a hybrid team falls heavily on managers and other workplace leaders. Learn to effectively manage hybrid work in this guidepost.

13th Month Pay in the Philippines vs. Latin America: A Practical Approach

Manage your Philippine team's 13th month pay through this guide.