Bene De Ramos

Bene De Ramos

Senior Content Strategist

Bene is a senior content strategist who collaborated with various industries and teams to focus on her decade-long experience by bringing helpful content online and in real life. She is a pet mom of 3 dogs and bikes outside Manila whenever she can. During downtime, she hunts vinyl records to keep her granddad's tiny collection growing.

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Which Jobs Are Safe from AI and Automation?

Here's a list to guide you in building a solid team that's AI-proof. Invest in the right talent you can outsource.

Top 4 Growth-Driven Filipino Remote Teams: Your Outsourced Global Partners

Find out the crucial teams you can hire remotely to help you meet your business goals.

4 Strategic Benefits of Outsourcing Data Entry Specialists to the Philippines

Enhance your business operations with high-quality, cost-effective data entry services from the Philippines. Learn how to streamline your processes and boost productivity.

Build a Stronger Remote Team with These 10 Essential Soft Skills

Know which soft skills remote team members need to drive strong collaboration here.

5 In-Demand IT Remote Jobs You Can Outsource

How can Philippine IT outsourcing address talent gaps, save money, and boost IT performance?

Is It Time to Switch? 6 Red Flags in Outsourced Staffing Partners

Unsure if it's time to find a new outsource staffing partner? Here are 5 signs you can check to help you choose your next business move.