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    Thriving In Customer Service: Achieving Satisfaction Through Quality Work 

    May 18, 2024

    Customer service is the soul of a company. When shoppers see your good intentions, you win their loyalty. 

    According to the Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS), e-commerce sales increased by 43% in 2020, swelling to $815 billion from $571 billion in 2019. This is attributed to the shift in consumer habits over the pandemic when everyone was urged to stay home to avoid the virus. Hence, consumers turn to the web to buy even the tiniest of necessities.

    It does not take a slew of studies to know that online shoppers are categorized based on their motivations—impulse buyers, bargain hunters, brand loyal, or staying in trend. But they stand on one common ground: the need for satisfaction.

    Consumers today want not only quality products but also a seamless shopping experience. Online brands now have a bigger challenge to up their game in providing satisfaction through excellent customer support. 

    In today’s story, Lawrence Faustino, a customer service representative at Reflaunt shares how he ensures customer satisfaction by nurturing relationships and resolving pain points promptly. 

    Meet Lawrence of Reflaunt

    Lawrence Faustino
    Lawrence Faustino, Customer Service Representative at Reflaunt

    Customer support is nothing new to Lawrence. After leaving the real estate industry in 2021, he started working as a customer service representative in another organization, before landing a post at Reflaunt in November 2022.

    Reflaunt is an e-commerce platform that promotes sustainability through circular fashion. It offers a global marketplace network where customers can resell their past luxury purchases through instant resale or consignment. 

    As a customer service representative, Lawrence serves as a concierge of their resale service, walking every customer through their reselling process. From the collection of luxury items, the listing of the items in their global marketplace network, and the earning collection, he ensures that each customer experiences a smooth journey. 

    Likewise, his impressive skills in customer service allow him to create lasting relationships with their customers, as well as efficiently tend to their concerns at once.

    What Keeps Him Inspired at Work 

    Dealing with customer concerns and queries daily can somehow be mundane for some. 

    When asked what drives him to stay and be better at what he does, he says that Reflaunt’s principles play a big part in him always wanting to excel. 

    “Reflaunt’s commitment to sustainability and innovation in the fashion industry inspires me to excel in my work,” he says.

    He believes that through Reflaunt’s vision of building a world of positive consumption through luxury reselling, they are changing the face of the fashion industry globally. Additionally, he takes delight in Reflaunt’s charitable efforts of donating returned items to their chosen institutions. 

    Read also: Finding Meaning and Excelling at Work: A Project Manager’s Journey

    Sharing His Notable Accomplishments 

    With seven years of experience in handling customers in real estate and BPO companies, Lawrence has achieved many notable accomplishments already. 

    Lawrence shares how proud he is to be part of the customer service team that has successfully increased Reflaunt’s Trustpilot ratings from 2 to 3.5. Trustpilot is a Denmark-based company that offers a digital platform where customers can leave a review on a brand or product that they have availed of. 

    Lawrence says that he and his team achieved this by continuously honing their skills in understanding consumer pain points, as well as offering substantial solutions. 

    “I handle such situations with professionalism—I try to understand their pain points and investigate the issue, so I can give them accurate answers and support,” he shares.

    He adds that he believes that their team’s key contribution to Raflaunt is their outstanding customer service, as it attracts more brand partnerships and purchases alike. 

    Related article: On Taking Career Leaps: A Penbrothers Employee Shares Her Growth Journey

    What Enables Him To Focus On Work 

    Lawrence secured his role at Reflaunt through Penbrothers. Since then, Penbrothers has been very supportive of him in terms of promptly addressing work-related inquiries. He can focus on his tasks, as well as his growth due to such support. 

    “As an employee, having HR as a reliable partner is crucial to me, and their quick assistance matters greatly,” he says.

    He has referred a friend to work with him at Reflaunt. They have been working together for a year now. 

    Watch Lawrence’s story below:

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