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    Leverage the Philippine Work Culture to Hit Your Business Targets

    Written by June 21, 2024

    The Philippines ranked as one of five award-winning destinations in the World Travel Awards 2023. However, when your company is challenged with finding the right talent, a vacation to tropical islands may be far out of mind. Open job positions and a need for company growth are pressing organizational concerns. You need a place to discover new workers.

    Thankfully, the Philippines is more than a popular tourist spot. It is also one of the top locations for sourcing talent. Deloitte ranked the Philippines as one of the top locations for outsourcing services. You can also have an effective remote team through offshoring to the Philippines.

    Filipino workers bring the skills, expertise, and a unique Philippine work culture to small and medium businesses. They allow you to grow and meet organizational concerns more quickly. The dynamism and warmth of Filipinos also contribute to collaboration and delivering results.

    Discover how a Philippine remote team can give your company a competitive edge. Our success guide below can guide employers and hiring teams through the winning qualities and traits of the remote Filipino worker.

    Debunking Myths About the Filipino Worker

    Negative stereotypes thrive when information is lacking or inaccurate. Because of this, misconceptions about remote Philippine workers exist. However, correct information can lift the veil off the hardworking, adaptable, and skillful Filipino worker.

    Filipino Workers Are Tardy

    One of the facts of Filipino culture is Filipino time. “Filipino time” is a common term among Filipinos to refer to tardiness. The idea goes that if a meeting is set at 8 am, workers arrive at 9 am.

    However, this idea applies more to informal or casual interactions. When it comes to formal or work-related matters, Filipino workers take them seriously. Philippine employees start their workdays early and attend meetings on time. They also keep track of task progression with deadlines, especially the time-sensitive deliverables.

    Did you know? Filipinos are challenged with braving one to three hours going to physical offices in the central business districts in Manila. Parking and commuting in this lively and densely populated location can also be time-consuming. Sometimes, it takes 30-45 minutes just to find a parking slot. Waiting for a bus may take up to 45 minutes, especially during a storm or heavy rainfall. An average Filipino worker leaves home at 5:30 AM in time for a 9:00 AM clock-in is the daily grind.

    Tip: If you have important and urgent meetings, consider setting at least 15 minutes buffer time. You get to accomplish your essential tasks and ensure that all attendees are present and ready to participate actively.

    Filipinos Are Average English Speakers

    Language barriers are real-life challenges that businesses struggle with. Yet, when working with a Philippine team, you are assured to nail down context.

    The Philippines used to be a United States territory. This part of history allowed English to integrate into educational systems and businesses. Today, English is one of the main languages at work. Expert Philippine workers deliver top-notch service and results because of their effective English communication skills.

    Filipinos also boast a high English proficiency rate. In the 2023 English Proficiency Index, Filipinos ranked second in Asia and 20th worldwide.

    Did you know? The Philippines is also a reputable BPO location. It is known for providing cost-effective customer service assistance to many global companies.

    Tip: When onboarding Filipino employees, provide context. Show how you want to get things done. Clearly state the desired results and ways of working. While Filipinos may seem non-confrontational, the results they bring are reliable and consistent.

    Filipino Workers Are Not Skilled 

    The Philippines is a developing country, but what drives growth are highly educated professionals. Half a million college graduates with business-competitive skills enter the workforce each year. For this reason, Filipino workers fit well in crucial roles that require expertise and a strong work ethic.

    Employers, managers, and hiring teams require hard skills, verifiable expertise, and credible qualifications. With a college degree and appropriate experience with diverse clients, remote workers in the Philippines are ready to fill the global talent gap. Commonly outsourced technical positions include IT support, web developer, graphic designer, and accountant.

    Did you know? While offshore and nearshore staff contribute to your company’s growth, a skilled Philippine team can deliver the same output within a tight deadline while saving you labor costs.

    Tip: Refine your strategy to delegate tasks to a highly equipped team that you can manage remotely. This enables you to put more time and budget into growth-focused projects.

    Now that you know the realities of working with Filipinos who work remotely, let’s delve into how you can maximize this collaboration.

    Identifying the Unique Dynamics of a Philippine Work Culture

    Filipinos are not just experts in diverse technical fields. They also have valuable soft skills. Employers, managers, and hiring teams should take note of these cultural nuances because they are foundational to the team and the company.

    Relationships are Foundational

    You will discover that Filipinos are often curious about your personal life. They will also be bold enough to share theirs. These exchanges foster good close relationships between team members. In turn, organizational unity develops.

    One of the integral values of Filipino culture is pakikisama. Pakikisama in English is the desire to get along with others. Filipino workers embody this ideal because unity, peace, and close relationships are integrated into Philippine culture.

    For this reason, Philippine employees show compassion and respect toward their colleagues, leaders, and subordinates. They ask about your life updates and at times, your milestones and roadblocks. They help you out, and they ask for help. These actions contribute to collective cohesion for the good of the company.

    Eating Together Fosters Team Cohesion

    When you finally have good relationships with Filipino workers, you will often hear the invitation, “Kain tayo!” Nicolas Bivero, an offshoring expert, shared the best insights into this practice. He said:

    “As a foreigner in the Philippines, I used to be surprised by the constant invitation to eat—’Kain!’. It happened everywhere: at work, on the street, and even when I was just minding my own business. At first, it was a little confusing. Was I interrupting their meal? Were they implying I looked hungry? But after 18 years of working with Filipinos, I realized it wasn’t about my hunger pangs. Rather, it’s about something much deeper.”

    “The tradition has its roots in the rice fields, where communal meals fostered a strong sense of community among farmers. Sharing food became a way to say, ‘We work together; we eat together.’ Filipino culture seems to revolve around sharing. Filipinos weren’t just offering me a plate, they were offering a piece of their culture, a chance to be part of their circle.”

    “At work, the offer of “kain tayo” initially felt like a disruption. But I soon realized it was a way to break the ice, to connect with colleagues outside of work. It fostered a more positive, collaborative atmosphere. Now, “kain tayo” has become one of my favorite things about Filipino culture. More than just an invitation to eat, it’s a friendly call to be part of something bigger. So each time a Filipino offers me a bite, I know I’m not just accepting food—I’m accepting a piece of Filipino warmth and generosity.”

    Optimism Brightens Up the Day

    Kapwa-tao is a Filipino trait closely related to being empathic or aware of other’s needs. As part of kapwa-tao, Filipinos maintain high levels of energy to uplift their co-workers throughout the day. Camaraderie is promoted, and Philippine employees display enthusiasm and interest in all tasks. They quip jokes and keep everyone engaged at work, especially during long days and graveyard shifts. 

    As a result of Filipino optimism, entire teams continue to be driven and dedicated to their tasks and goals. They stay ready and alert for any challenge that comes their way. They also maintain positive attitudes throughout the week. Positive vibes always help lessen the stress at work.

    These are just some examples of how the culture of Filipinos in the workplace delivers value to companies outside its borders. Let’s proceed with how you can power through with them.

    Western Principles Align with Work Values of Filipino Workers

    Team members must share the same core principles individually to work cohesively. With shared core values, co-workers deliver more effectively and efficiently. This is where Filipino workers shine due to their work principles that match Western values. 


    Concerns may exist regarding inconsistencies between Asian vs Western work cultures. However, Philippine workers showcase traits that are valued in Western work culture. One of these characteristics is resiliency.

    The Philippines faces dozens of typhoons every year. This natural condition has raised resilient Filipino employees. Despite pouring rain, highly humid weather, and heavy, unmoving traffic, Philippine workers still deliver quality, round-the-clock services to their companies. The unsung heroes face challenges with patience, cool-headedness, and a laser focus on learning and improving.


    Adaptability is a characteristic shared by Filipino-American culture and values. When you take the qualifications, the English proficiency, and the resiliency of Filipino workers, you get highly flexible and quickly adaptable employees. Even if you are based in the US or the UK, Filipino employees learn and adapt to the unique qualities of your company or organization. This allows your team to collaborate on a high level to hit your targets more accurately.


    The Philippines’ largest export to the world is not a thing; it’s people. The Philippines is one of the top labor exporters in the world. This is driven by deep family ties and a determination to give comfortable lives to families. As a result, Filipino work culture always involves a strong work ethic. Filipino employees work hard to support their families financially. They are eager to step in as reliable teammates in whatever situation.

    Employers may find reliable and dedicated employees in remote Filipino workers. Because of their deep personal investments in the work they do, they constantly provide next-level service to their teams. 

    Managing a Successful Remote Philippine Team

    To address your growing need for talent, you can outsource business tasks to the Philippines. Better yet, you can offshore and create a remote Philippine team. They can embody all the distinct work values of Filipino workers. They can uphold the relevant tenets of Western work culture too. To help you in managing this offshore team, consider the following tips.

    Research and Compare Thoroughly

    Don’t jump off the deep end but dip your feet in shallow water first. Learn all you can about hiring remote Philippine workers. Look at costs, legal requirements, termination process, and other important elements. Although an offshoring partner will spearhead all these matters, you must learn them to improve your decision-making.

    Tip: Check out this comprehensive guide for hiring remote workers in the Philippines.

    Integrate Philippine Holidays in Your Calendar

    Philippine holidays are important for family-oriented Filipino workers. These holidays impact pay rates as well. To help you plan your year with a remote Philippine team accordingly, take note of the different Philippine holidays. Learn the differences between a holiday, and a special non-working day, and their respective pay effects.

    Tip: Access all the information you need about Philippine holidays in this focus feature.

    Drive Your Remote Team to Success

    Despite the distance, an encouraging and attentive leader like you can lead the remote team towards hitting business targets. Give them a timebound roadmap and safe space while adhering to a precise work schedule. Clear instructions work immensely for completing tasks. Philippine remote workers work best with clear management.

    Tip: Create an offshoring strategy to make the most out of a remote Philippine team.

    Build a Reliable Philippine Offshore Team Now

    Look no further than the Philippines for your talent needs. The unique characteristics and dynamics of the Philippine work culture play well with the demands of Western work culture. Filipino workers are strong candidates for diverse roles in growing companies and organizations.

    Using the tips for managing remote Philippine workers, you can foster an effective and efficient team. Offshore crucial tasks that streamline your business processes and optimize your balance sheet. You can build an offshore team to catch up on all the work you have to do. You only need assistance from an offshoring partner in the country.

    Philippine remote workers bring many perks to organizations. You can experience them yourself and grow your company exponentially.

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