
Miguel Angelo De Matta


Sam is a copywriter and storyteller who pivoted from B2C to B2B. During his free time, he loves to travel and is perpetually curious about pop culture.

All Articles

Navigating Efficiency: How A Geodetic Engineer Leads as a Propeller of Change

Discover how Tox Salvacion leads a team of innovative Geospatial professionals towards efficiency.

All Aboard For Growth: A Data Manager’s Will to Succeed

Find out how Wilfred Guiriba rose from being a specialist to a manager in less than two years through perseverance and quality work.

Top 6 Cultural Traits and Values That Make Filipinos Ideal Remote Workers

Planning to build a Filipino remote team? Learn more about the highly valued traits they bring to the workplace.

Finding Meaning and Excelling at Work: A Project Manager’s Journey

Niña Azares finds fulfillment and excels in her role as a project manager. Read more about this amazing Filipino talent.

Offshoring to the Philippines: A Viable Solution to Global Talent Challenges

Penbrothers ranks 1st on the 2024 Philippine Growth Champion list. Know the client-centric strategy that led to its exceptional growth.

Journey to the Top: Finding Success in Taking On Bigger Responsibilities

Gaining confidence does not happen overnight. Be inspired by this story of an employee who bravely took on bigger roles and found success.